Newport Beach Table Tennis Club lost against GLTTC

Newport Beach Table Tennis Club versus GLTTC

Ethan Chua, Teddy Trang, Rodrigo Tapia, Ron Arellano, Rudy Miranda


Newport Beach Table Tennis Club lost to Grace Lin TTC 1-4

Rodrigo Tapia defeated Ethan Chua by default [uniform violation]

Rudy Miranda lost to Teddy Tran 1-3 (-6, 8, 6, 8)

Rodrigo Tapia/Ronald Arellano defeated Ethan Chua/Teddy Tran 2-3 by default [uniform violation]

Rodrigo Tapia lost to Teddy Tran 1-3 (6, 9, -3, 8)

Rudy Miranda defeated Ethan Chua by default [uniform violation]

The doubles was the best match of this encounter, NBTTC with Rodrigo Tapia and Ron Arellano was leading 2-0 and GLTTC change something in the tactic which end the game with a result of 3-2.

Next match visiting Dana Point will be against Power Pong