Is There Nothing Better Than To See a Kid Smiling and Playing Table Tennis?

Shivam Kumar,  Rodrigo Tapia after playing in Newport Beach Table Tennis Club

Shivam Kumar, Nirmala Jayasinghe and Rodrigo Tapia


Newport Beach, CA – Last Wednesday 15 players from Orange and LA County came to challenge their skills.

The Equal Challenge Tournament is based upon your rating for your first time and then after that it’s all about your skills each week. If you ask any of our participants, they will tell you how much fun and how challenging it is.  After all,  isn’t this what we all are looking for?

We are always trying to find ways to improve our game strategy.  Table tennis is mentally tough when we are playing tight games, and this tournament  requires  each of us to challenge our own skills under difficult conditions.

Shivan Kumar a kid who never gives up, even under the most difficult matches and under all kinds of pressure.

But why was Shivan playing so well table tennis?

We can see his notable improvement during this summer, training hard with Nirmala Jayasinghe, his coach who is a National player and is rated #1 from Sri Lanka . We congratulate both of them for his progress! Keep up the good work Shivan!

Is there any other word in English that means Unstoppable?

Rodrigo Tapia is the only player to win 4 times in a row the Equal Challenge Tournament.   He is already on our Hall of Fame Page. What a record!

“There are no easy matches and this tournament helped me a lot!  From the beginning of each game, I was obligated to give my best.”  says Rodrigo.

Congratulations Rodrigo and we wish you the best on your next competition!

Thanks for playing the Equal Challenge!

Joshua Browning, Rodrigo Tapia, Sherwing Afshar, Ken Okey, Jose Fabregas, Ali Mousavi, Shivan Kumar, Jun Luan, Luis Crescitelli, Daisong Zhang, Glenn Mcintire, Tim Stephens, Tianheng Tu, Edwin Amaya and Ken Dewhirst.

See you this Wednesday!